Discover how entrepreneurial approaches to balancing ecology and economy are creating more sustainable communities.

Jupiter, FL— An upcoming episode of Advancements with Ted Danson will focus on developments in large scale wildlife conservation.

This segment will explore what makes wildlife corridors a win-win solution for economy and ecology in States like Florida, which is experiencing a rapid increase in population – adding more than 1,200 new residents every day – while also balancing a changing climate and strains on critical resources, like water.

Viewers will learn about the value of protecting large, connected landscapes and how this approach can help to secure healthier, more sustainable communities for future generations. Audiences will discover how non-profits, like the Live Wildly Foundation, are helping to change traditional approaches to tackling complex challenges of balancing growth and retaining natural areas.

Hearing from experts, the segment will teach how Wildly is working with local communities to ensure nature is at the forefront of planning, development, and investment decisions, while simultaneously building an appreciation for and value of nature in the citizens of Florida.

“Floridians have a tremendous sense of pride in their lands and waters. Outdoor recreation provides over $10B annually to the State and its beauty draws visitors from around the world. Protecting what makes Florida, Florida while ensuring a thriving economy is our mission. If we are successful, you will be able to see the Florida Wildlife Corridor from space for generations to come,” said Live Wildly CEO, Lisa Shipley.

In addition, the segment will educate about the Florida Wildlife Corridor, an 18-million-acre wildlife superhighway that is being used as a model for public-private partnership, citizen advocacy, and grassroots support.

“We hope to inspire more people to get out into these great spaces by sharing how Live Wildly Foundation plans to expedite bridge-building and collaboration among the science, conservation, policy, and business communities,” said Ed Sullivan, senior producer for the Advancements series.

Live Wildly Foundation:
Founded in 2022, the Live Wildly Foundation applies an entrepreneurial approach to the conservation of connected landscapes across Florida, while seeking to balance smart growth and a robust economy with a strong and resilient ecology. To accomplish its mission, the Live Wildly Foundation has implemented an award-winning public awareness campaign, providing resources to partner organizations for innovative and effective conservation projects, and assists in the development of regional planning across connected landscapes.

For more information, visit:

About Advancements and DMG Productions:
Advancements is an information-based educational television series that explores recent developments taking place across several industries and economies. Shining a light on important issues and topics impacting society today, the series features the cutting-edge improvements, state-of-the-art technologies, and innovative solutions responsible for shaping, molding, and transforming our world.

Backed by experts in various fields, DMG Productions is dedicated to education and advancement, and to consistently producing commercial-free, educational programming for viewers and networks.

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