Discover how technology and innovation are driving global development.

Jupiter, FL—Scheduled to broadcast 4Q/2021, Advancements with Ted Danson will focus on how technology is being used to drive change. Check local listings for more information.

Hearing from experts in the field of social entrepreneurship, this segment will explore how investing in the development of new technologies and establishing new markets (within hard to reach or under resourced populations) provide both great business opportunities and an incredible force for doing good.

With a look at Vestergaard, viewers will learn how technology and innovation are driving change and are improving the quality of life for people living in underdeveloped countries.

“With up to 70% of averted cases of malaria in Sub-Saharan Africa attributed to mosquito nets, this humble tool is a highly impactful medical device that is perhaps one of the most efficacious and cost-effective global health interventions,” said Michael Joos, CEO of Vestergaard.

“Built on the foundation of social entrepreneurship, Vestergaard believes that doing good is good business,” said Richard Simon, producer for the Advancements series. “We look forward to exploring this further.”

About Vestergaard:
Vestergaard is a Certified B Corp focused on manufacturing innovative products to improve global health outcomes in mainly low- and middle-income countries. Known for its PermaNet® long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) to prevent malaria, the company has manufactured 900 million PermaNet® protecting an estimated 1.8 billion lives in malaria-endemic countries and is used by over 200m people daily. Additional company initiatives focus on fighting neglected tropical diseases, like sleeping sickness, reducing food insecurity through ZeroFly® storage bags and utilizing technology to drive data-driven decision making. The company also designed LifeStraw® water filters, now sold through the sister company headquartered in the US, which has been instrumental to the near eradication of Guinea worm disease.

Founded in 1957, Vestergaard is based in Switzerland, with a research and development lab in Africa and quality control and manufacturing lab in Vietnam. For more information, visit: 

About Advancements and DMG Productions:
The Advancements series is an information-based educational show targeting recent advances across a number of industries and economies. Featuring state-of-the-art solutions and important issues facing today’s consumers and business professionals, Advancements focuses on cutting-edge developments, and brings this information to the public with the vision to enlighten about how technology and innovation continue to transform our world.

Backed by experts in various fields, DMG Productions is dedicated to education and advancement, and to consistently producing commercial-free, educational programming on which both viewers and networks depend.

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