Discover how developments in technology are impacting the future of surgery.

Jupiter, FL—An upcoming segment of Advancements with Ted Danson will examine innovations taking place throughout the surgical landscape.

Scheduled to broadcast in Q3, 2023, the segment will uncover some of the major issues taking place throughout the surgical industry today. Viewers will learn how problems with compromised vision can prolong surgery and increase stress levels, placing further burden on surgeons and risking the possibility of impacting patient safety.

The show will explore how Gulf Medical Technologies (GMT) is revolutionizing the world of surgical vision as it uncovers how developments in technology are unlocking the future potential of robotic and minimally invasive surgeries.

“Compromised vision in surgery is a problem that has persisted for decades. The fact that no clear solution exists speaks to its complexity. At Gulf Medical Technologies, we’ve dissected this issue to its core, and approached it from a unique angle, illuminating the blind spot we believe has been overlooked in past efforts. We are not only shaping the future of surgical vision, but we are redefining what it means to ‘see’ in the world of surgery,” said Ahmad Nabeel, MD, Founder & CEO, Gulf Medical Technologies.

Audiences will hear how GMT’s cutting-edge Klens technology minimizes unnecessary risks, making operating in robotic and laparoscopic surgeries more seamless.

“The technology sets the stage for the future of AI and robotic capabilities throughout the surgical landscape,” said Richard Lubin, senior producer for the Advancements series. “We look forward to sharing this information with viewers.”

About Advancements and DMG Productions:
Advancements is an information-based educational television series that explores recent developments taking place across several industries and economies. Shining a light on important issues and topics impacting society today, the series features the cutting-edge improvements, state-of-the-art technologies, and innovative solutions responsible for shaping, molding, and transforming our world.

Backed by experts in various fields, DMG Productions is dedicated to education and advancement, and to consistently producing commercial-free, educational programming for viewers and networks.

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