Learn how developments in the design and manufacturing of solar technology is expanding capabilities.

Jupiter, FL—An upcoming episode of Advancements with Ted Danson will focus on breakthroughs in the design and manufacturing of solar technology.

This segment of Advancements will discuss current issues taking place throughout the solar module industry. Exploring complications with the often heavy and rigid design of solar modules, the show will uncover how innovations in design, manufacturing, and technology are making it easier and less costly to install large-scale solar on most surfaces.

Viewers will learn how Victor Energy is pushing progress and creating real change in the energy industry via its revolutionary solar module design. Experts will discuss the novel technology, which will allow solar racks to be light enough to sit on top of large-scale industrial structures.

“We believe that there is a win, win, win scenario with the right technology. A win for the warehouses to power themselves and in the future as well as their electric vehicle trucking fleets,” says Michael W. Wellet, Jr., PE, CPE, Founder of Victor Energy. 

 “Additionally, there is a win for the community where the warehouses are able to provide power back to the grid for their surrounding area and a win for the farmers and surrounding landowners not having to give up their land to solar farms,” John F. Beaupre, Founder of Victor Energy says.

Audiences will discover how Victor Energy seeks to create real change in the industry through its thin-film solar panels.

“In order for solar to be an integral part of the overall solution, solar panels need the flexibility to be installed on many more surfaces. Victor Energy’s innovative thin-film solar technology ushers in the future of solar power on industrial rooftops,” said Richard Lubin, senior producer for the Advancements series. “We look forward to sharing this information!”

About Victor Solar:
The Victor Energy team is comprised of management and R&D team members with expertise in a wide area of fields including materials science, device physics, chemistry, plasmonics, nanotechnology, nano-engineering, testing, and fabrication.

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About Advancements and DMG Productions:
Advancements is an information-based educational television series that explores recent developments taking place across several industries and economies. Shining a light on important issues and topics impacting society today, the series features the cutting-edge improvements, state-of-the-art technologies, and innovative solutions responsible for shaping, molding, and transforming our world.

Backed by experts in various fields, DMG Productions is dedicated to education and advancement, and to consistently producing commercial-free, educational programming for viewers and networks.

For more information, please visit www.AdvancementsTV.com or call 866-496-4065.