Learn how developments in data and technology are driving change.

Jupiter, FL—An upcoming segment of Advancements with Ted Danson will focus on the latest breakthroughs in activism technology. Scheduled to broadcast on Bloomberg, fall, 2022.

At present, it can be difficult to obtain clear, relevant, and unbiased information, making acting on personal values very challenging. As the demand for a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle continues to rise, developments in activism and environmental /social awareness are expanding.

This segment of Advancements will explore how ActAware is helping people to take action through everyday choices. Spectators will see how the technology helps users to create personalized ratings on products and companies, allowing them to avoid hurtful products and to support businesses that are aligned with their causes.

“Having a reliable, trustworthy source of objective information is important, but what is most important is that there are real caring people standing behind this solution. We see a huge potential in the future of ActAware platform – especially with various AI-driven personalization and automation scenarios,” said, Sergei Ostapenko, Founder and CEO of MiraCommerce.

The show will also explore how ActAware uses data architecture that is connected to news outlets to leverage AI, data analysts, and its own users to assure maximized data coverage, accuracy, and timing.

“With extensive experience in data, tech, ESG, financial and consumer markets, ActAware has created a breakthrough application for taking a stand,” said Colin Ferguson, senior producer for the Advancements series. “We are excited to share this with audiences.”

About ActAware:
ActAware is an impact-driven company, born and created in California with most of its partners and R&D team based in Poland and many more key players around North America. The team, made of award-winning individuals with previous key positions in globally known companies, bring a vast experience in data, tech, ESG, financial and consumer markets. ActAware was created to democratize access to data which is currently available only to the investment world. With AI supported technology, Actaware enables consumer to transform the world’s business canvas.

For more information, visit: www.actaware.com

About Advancements and DMG Productions:
Advancements is an information-based educational television series that explores recent developments taking place across several industries and economies. Shining a light on important issues and topics impacting society today, the series features the cutting-edge improvements, state-of-the-art technologies, and innovative solutions responsible for shaping, molding, and transforming our world.

Backed by experts in various fields, DMG Productions is dedicated to education and advancement, and to consistently producing commercial-free, educational programming for viewers and networks.

For more information, please visit www.AdvancementsTV.com or call 866-496-4065.