Explore how new products and processes are tackling the climate emergency head on. 

Jupiter, FL —The award-winning series, Advancements with Ted Danson, will focus on recent breakthroughs in sustainable mobility and energy development during Q2/2021.

This segment will explore Michelin Scotland Innovation Parc’s (MSIP) mission to drive growth and diversity in the Scottish economy while addressing the global climate emergency.

Viewers will learn how MSIP is building a dynamic and creative home for innovators, manufacturers, and skills leaders, in an effort to collaborate and nurture growth and innovation.

“MSIP is creating an environment which will enable the collective creation, testing and development of green technologies for the future, creating jobs, economic growth and a better world for everyone. We are excited to be a part of the Advancements series to share more about our adventure with audiences,” said Greig Coull, CEO, Michelin Scotland Innovation Parc.

Audiences will see how building a manufacturing ecosystem can have a significant impact on the economy, both directly and through the associated supply chains.

“We look forward to exploring how innovations in sustainability, employee creation, and energy improvements are impacting communities and helping them to grow,” said Senior Producer, DJ Metzer.

About Michelin Scotland Innovation Parc:
Michelin Scotland Innovation Parc, an ambitious joint venture between Dundee City Council, Michelin, and Scottish Enterprise, is a world class Innovation Parc focused on sustainable mobility and decarbonization. With a 32-hectare site and excellent physical connectivity, MSIP has dynamic space that can adapt to all sizes of business. As well as large, flexible space, tenants will have access to an innovation campus, a skills academy, business support, and competitive, green energy delivered from sustainable sources. Underpinning all activities at MSIP is a collaborative approach to achieve the goal of net zero.

For more information, visit: www.msipdundee.com.

About Advancements and DMG Productions:
The Advancements series is an information-based educational show targeting recent advances across a number of industries and economies. Featuring state-of-the-art solutions and important issues facing today’s consumers and business professionals, Advancements focuses on cutting-edge developments, and brings this information to the public with the vision to enlighten about how technology and innovation continue to transform our world.

Backed by experts in various fields, DMG Productions is dedicated to education and advancement, and to consistently producing commercial-free, educational programming on which both viewers and networks depend.

For more info, please visit: AdvancementsTV.com or call DJ Metzer at 866-496-4065.