Explore recent breakthroughs in telemedicine and mobile healthcare. 

Jupiter, FL—Advancements with Ted Danson will focus on innovations in healthcare in an upcoming episode, scheduled to broadcast in the fall of 2020. Check local listings for more info.

As the U.S. healthcare system transforms its care delivery model to increase healthcare accessibility and improve health outcomes, it is undergoing changes in the context of ever-increasing chronic disease burdens and healthcare costs. Many illnesses disproportionately affect certain populations, due to disparities in healthcare access and social determinants of health. Today, school-based healthcare is becoming a powerful tool for achieving health equity among children and adolescents who unjustly experience disparities in outcomes.

In this segment, Advancements will focus on Kids’ Doc on Wheels (KDOW), sponsors of the iCare Telemedicine Center, which serves as a community-based health clinic in schools, early head-start programs, parks, and recreation facilities and apartment complexes.

In addition to exploring the iCare Telemedicine Center, viewers will learn about the KDOW Medical Mobile Unit (MMU), which serves as a complement to the iCare Telemedicine Center providing on-site services.

“Kids’-Doc-On-Wheels utilizes the latest HIPAA secure telemedicine platform to deliver medical care to children in their school-based health clinic. It improves access to a health provider and improves their health outcomes. The rapid advances in technology allow the physician to visualize the child’s inner ear and mouth as well as listen to the heart and lungs from a distant site. The parent can participate in the visit without leaving work. Most of the children served are from marginalized communities. This innovative program serves as a model that can be implemented throughout the country. The Advancement series will highlight the recent intersection between medicine and technology and how it can diminish health disparities,” said Melinda Williams, Willingham, MD, FAAP Co-Medical Director.

Audiences will see how the KDOW MMU serves as a primary care provider, as well as a compliment to community pediatricians in order to improve children’s access to pediatric medical, dental, and behavioral health services.

“KDOW ensures regular school attendance for students, reducing missed workdays and lost wages for parents,” said Richard Lubin, senior producer for the Advancements series. “The program gives children who do not currently see a children’s practitioner regular access to a primary care provider. We look forward to bringing this vital information to the public.”

About KDOW:
Kids’-Doc-n-Wheels is a comprehensive medical program that serves as a community-based health clinic in schools, early head-start programs, parks and recreation facilities and apartment complexes. It leverages telemedicine to provide virtual services and a medical mobile unit (MMU) to provide wrap around on-site services. The KDOW MMU serves as a Primary Care Provider, as well as a compliment to the community pediatricians in order to improve children’s access to pediatric medical, dental, and behavioral health services.
For more information, visit: www.kidsdoconwheels.org.

About Advancements and DMG Productions:
The Advancements series is an information-based educational show targeting recent advances across a number of industries and economies. Featuring state-of-the-art solutions and important issues facing today’s consumers and business professionals, Advancements focuses on cutting-edge developments, and brings this information to the public with the vision to enlighten about how technology and innovation continue to transform our world.

Backed by experts in various fields, DMG Productions is dedicated to education and advancement, and to consistently producing commercial-free, educational programming on which both viewers and networks depend.

For more information, please visit www.AdvancementsTV.com or call Richard Lubin at 866-496-4065.