Advancements TV series to discover how technology and information are being used to protect IT infrastructure.

 Jupiter, FL—Scheduled to broadcast Q2/2022, an upcoming segment of Advancements with Ted Danson will focus on developments in cybersecurity and data protection.

In this segment, Advancements will explore how information sharing and collaborative analysis are being used to secure IT infrastructure, which plays an essential role in the global economy.

With a look at how Information Technology-Information Sharing and Analysis Center (IT-ISAC) has played a role in combating cyber threats throughout the past 20 years, viewers will learn about the organization’s mission to bring together leading technology companies to mitigate attacks.

”IT-ISAC, our team, and our membership work each day to protect the technology that propels today’s digital economy,” said IT-ISAC Executive Director, Scott Algeier.

Spectators will learn how IT-ISAC has helped industries and governments respond to cyberattacks during the last two decades and has become recognized by the Department of Homeland Security and the IT Sector Coordinating Council as the IT sector’s designated information-sharing forum.

Viewers will see how IT-ISAC engages communities to combat cyber threats and respond to the world’s most significant cyberattacks and how it helps  industry prepare for cyber threats of the future.

“IT-ISAC enables collaboration and sharing of relevant, actionable cyber threat information and effective security policies and practices,” said John Galvin, producer for the Advancements series. “We look forward to sharing this with viewers.”

About IT-ISAC:
Founded in 2000, the Information Technology-Information Sharing and Analysis Center (IT-ISAC) is a nonprofit organization that serves as a force multiplier through member collaboration and sharing of relevant, actionable cyber threat information, effective security policies, and practices for the benefit of all. The IT-ISAC global membership base consists of leading companies from three critical infrastructure sectors—IT, food and agriculture, elections—and leading Critical SaaS providers who collaborate through a dedicated Special Interest Group.

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About Advancements and DMG Productions:
Advancements is an information-based educational television series targeting recent advances across a number of industries and economies. Featuring state-of-the-art solutions and important issues facing today’s consumers and business professionals, Advancements focuses on cutting-edge developments, and brings this information to the public with the vision to enlighten about how technology and innovation continue to transform our world.

Backed by experts in various fields, DMG Productions is dedicated to education and advancement, and to consistently producing commercial-free, educational programming on which both viewers and networks depend.

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