Mobile App Promises to Bring Sanity Back to Family Life with Simplified Payment Obligations and Scheduling

JUPITER, Florida – May 14, 2019 – An upcoming episode of Advancements with Ted Danson will focus on recent breakthroughs in technology as it relates to co-parenting and family management and is scheduled to broadcast 3Q/2019.  Check your local listings for more information.

The segment of Advancements will focus on Family Plan™, a mobile app and platform, which helps parents after divorce or separation by improving collaboration and simplifying payment obligations. Created by X2X, Inc., a mobile app developer committed to helping families live healthy and happy lives, Family Plan mixes technology with a community of co-parents, counselors, and other professionals, to ultimately improve life for both parents and the children.

Family Plan™ provides simple tools for creating and managing an integrated family calendar, for requesting reimbursement and making payments between co-parents, for budgeting, and for tracking communications and records. Attorneys and mediators will be able to access the records. The show will explore Family Plan’s goal to reduce the conflict, stress, and pain endured by families of divorce, so that children and parents can thrive.

“We created Family Plan, because we believe that, even after divorce, a family can still be filled with security, love, and hope,” said Laura Young MacMahon, President and Co-founder of X2X.  She continued to say, “Family Plan helps parents bring sanity back to their lives by simplifying communication and making true collaboration possible. It’s about living well again.”

 About Family Plan:
Family Plan helps parents improve collaboration and simplify payment obligations following divorce or separation, ensuring children are secure and happy. Family Plan believes divorced parents can still work together as a family to ensure the health, happiness, and well-being of children and parents. Download the Family Plan app on iPhone or Android, and visit

About Advancements and DMG Productions:
The Advancements series is an information-based educational show targeting recent advances across a number of industries and economies. Featuring state-of-the-art solutions and important issues facing today’s consumers and business professionals, Advancements focuses on cutting-edge developments, and brings this information to the public with the vision to enlighten about how technology and innovation continue to transform our world.

Backed by experts in various fields, DMG Productions is dedicated to education and advancement, and to consistently producing commercial-free, educational programming on which both viewers and networks depend.

For more info, please visit: or call Amy Casal at 866-496-4065.