Inspiring Educational Content
Advancements is an information-based educational television series that explores recent developments taking place across several industries and economies. Shining a light on important issues and topics impacting society today, the series features the cutting-edge improvements, state-of-the-art technologies, and innovative solutions responsible for shaping, molding, and transforming our world.
Production Crews
Featured Topics
Stretching across nearly every niche, Advancements informs and educates about the latest technologies and greatest innovations impacting the world today. Follow the series on a journey across the globe to explore the ins and outs of business and beyond. From agriculture to healthcare and energy dependance, get an in-depth look at recent breakthroughs and developments taking place around the world.

Business & Beyond
Focusing on a number of key topics and current trends impacting society today, Advancements highlights innovative technologies and breakthroughs taking place throughout the business sector. With a look at developments in finance and banking, building and construction, logistics, manufacturing, and much more, the series is sure to enlighten and entertain.
Health & Wellness
Developments in the medical community provide more answers and a better understanding about how our bodies function. From innovations in women’s health to cutting-edge surgical procedures and more, tune in to explore the latest medical tools and technologies across all areas of health and wellness.

Science & Technology
From advances in robotics and 3-D printing to the latest breakthroughs in big data, connectivity, and more, Advancements teaches viewers about the significant contributions impacting the world. Click here to watch some of the exceptional content created by the team.